Dr Melanie Robson and Mr Luke Robinson are seeking essays for their proposed book FP: One-Shot Hitchcock: Contemporary Approaches to the Screen

Update: 2020-10-07 13:21 GMT

One-Shot Hitchcock: Contemporary Approaches to the Screen /is an edited collection that interrogates poignant and memorable shots from across Alfred Hitchcock's long transnational career. Each chapter takes one shot from a single film, beginning with his silent era and ending with/Family Plot /(1976). If Hitchcock is known as a director of suspense films, and films about murder, the shots discussed in /One ShotHitchcock /are his crime scenes: these are the shots that resist being forgotten, these are the shots that repeatedly demand to be investigated, these are the shots in which Hitchcock's influence on aesthetics and culture is at its most acute.

We are seeking potential contributors to submit a proposal that includes a *300 word abstract *to *oneshot.hitchcock@gmail.com *by the*14th October 2020*. Selected contributors will be asked to write a4000-6000 words essay (including bibliography) on their chosen shot.

Please submit proposals as a Word document, with title, 300 word abstract, researcher's full name, title, institutional affiliation (if possible), and short bio (max 100 words). Please save the file as your surname, Hitchcock film, approach.

The abstract should:

* Name the Hitchcock film, TV episode, screen text

* Provide details of the shot (place in narrative, details of cinematography, sound etc)

* Outline the approach to the screen adopted (with reference to key scholarship, as applicable)

* Explain how and why this particular shot is relevant for the approach adopted and/or for a critical understanding of Hitchcock'sbody of work

We look forward to reading your proposals. If you have any questions about the co-edited collection, please contact Dr Melanie Robson and MrLuke Robinson at oneshot.hitchcock@gmail.com

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