Crackdown on serious and organized crime in UK

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Crackdown on serious and organized crime in UK

In a move to controle serious and organized crime in UK the National Crime Agency is all set to launch a campaign today. This drive to crack down on all forms of serious and organised crime will begin today with the launch of a wide-ranging formal review.

The Agency is palnning to identify ways of bolstering the response to threats such as county lines, people trafficking, drugs, child sexual exploitation, fraud and illicit finance.

There are more than 4,500 serious and organised crime groups in the UK and this type of crime costs the economy an estimated £37 billion a year.

The criminals are using modern means of makign people slave and involved in human trafficking . The sexual exploitation of young people is also on the rise.These criminals exploit the most vulnerable people in society for their own financial gain.

The review – the first of its type to look at the full spectrum of serious and organised crime - will be led by Sir Craig Mackey QPM, former deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, with support from stakeholders and advisors from law enforcement and national security.

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