Job Post: Open rank Professor "Locarno Film Festival Professor for the Future of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts

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Job Post: Open rank Professor Locarno Film Festival Professor for the Future of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts

Institution: USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Faculty ofCommunication, Culture and Society

Deadline: Applications received by the end of January 2021 will be given priority

Call and more info:*1ge96to*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE1OTk4MDk2MjQuQ2owS0NRand3T3o2QlJDZ0FSSXNBS0VHNEZYb0VSU3cwb2Qya2stWjcwVUtBc0NhaklaOUdTWmtJOHFPVndMekp4OVVxU25TTWFEaFllZ2FBaEx6RUFMd193Y0I.*_ga*MTMzOTgwNDUwMC4xNTY5OTQyNTc0*_ga_89Y0EEKVWP*MTYwNDkzMjkwNS4yNC4xLjE2MDQ5MzI5MTAuNTU.&_ga=2.109666181.1273169737.1604824630-1339804500.1569942574

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