LU: Implementation of Four-year undergraduate course under the New Education Policy 2020 is in progress
The process of implementing four-year undergraduate course under the New Education Policy 2020 is in progress at University of Lucknow. In this...

The process of implementing four-year undergraduate course under the New Education Policy 2020 is in progress at University of Lucknow. In this...
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- New Education Policy
- lucknow univesity
The process of implementing four-year undergraduate course under the New Education Policy 2020 is in progress at University of Lucknow. In this direction, the Department of Physics, in the first paper of its new undergraduate course is going to introduce Indian science of ancient times which is also the basis of today's science and remains true in many places, as well as introduction to ancient and modern Indian scientists and texts and Indian Geometry. It has been also proposed to include introduction to subjects such as the Shulbasutra, the India-born theorem which later came to be known as Pythagoras.
The rotation of the Earth on its axis is first seen in 'Aryabhatiyam' and gravity is found in the 'Surya Siddhanta'. With these new additions, it will be possible to introduce students to subjects like planetary motion, pure value of pi up to eleven decimal places, power series, binary system, etc. 'Science in very ancient historical construction' has also been proposed. The reason for placing this subject in the first paper of the undergraduate course of physics is that - all the students, even if they read only for one year to get the certificate, they can get an introduction to Indian texts and science.
Such a curriculum is in line with the principles and vision of NEP 2020, which will make it possible for the students to connect with the nation and be proud of themselves. Apart from this, 4 new papers, Nanotechnology, Fiber Optics, Computer Simulation, Plasma and Space Science have also been included.
Aradhana Maurya