UWE Bristol Science Communication: Connecting People, Creating Events - ONLINE ONLY course - open for applications

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UWE Bristol Science Communication: Connecting People, Creating Events - ONLINE ONLY course - open for applications

Science Communication: Connecting People, Creating Events

The Science Communication Unit at UWE Bristol is delighted to announce that our online professional course 'Science communication: connecting people, creating events' will start 18th January 2021. This is a 10 week, online only course.

Science Communication: Connecting People, Creating Events is a short introductory course created to offer professional development for people new to science communication who want to develop their skills and knowledge in science communication practice. The course will support you to develop underpinning knowledge and skills in science communication and public engagement with research.

The course draws on the expertise of the team that delivers UWE Bristol's popular and practical Science Communication postgraduate programmes and covers a range of topics including: an introduction to science communication; audiences; project planning and management; presentation skills; promoting events and facilitation skills and evaluation.

The ten-week course (including 2 private study weeks which will allow you the opportunity to carry out independent study and review previous weeks contents and materials) will run from 18th January 2021 – 26th March 2021. On completion of the course, you gain 7.5 ECTS (transferable credits).

The course fees are £750.

To apply and for further information, please visit: https://courses.uwe.ac.uk/usskns15m/science-communication-connecting-people-creating-events.

If you have any queries please contact science.communication@uwe.ac.uk .

Science Communication Unit, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, Department of Applied Sciences, Coldharbour Lane, the University of the West of England, Bristol BS16 1QY

United Kingdom: 01173283919

w: www1.uwe.ac.uk/research/sciencecommunicationunit.aspx

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