Written in stone: the natural and cultural heritage of the Carboniferous

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Written in stone: the natural and cultural heritage of the Carboniferous

This project will connect, compare, and contrast a number of National Trust sites through the geological lens of the Carboniferous world.

The successful candidate will review the significance of Carboniferous geology to the National Trust as a whole and a number of specific sites in particular. The project seeks to explore geological settings as an asset through which we can understand the natural world, and how social and economic conditions connect to it.


Written in stone.


This PhD attracts a stipend of £15,285 per annum for 3.5 years through funding from the NERC Central England Training Alliance (CENTA).

Supervision team

Professors Clare Warren and Richard Holliman, Open University; Dr Stewart Clarke, National Trust; Dr Jonathan Larwood, Natural England.

Closing date

12 noon on 11th January 2021.

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