Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Media Studies, University of Bergen
There is a vacancy for a postdoctoral research fellow position within media studies. The position is part of the department's commitment to strategic...
There is a vacancy for a postdoctoral research fellow position within media studies. The position is part of the department's commitment to strategic...
There is a vacancy for a postdoctoral research fellow position within media studies. The position is part of the department's commitment to strategic communication and the postdoctoral fellow will be linked to two of the department's research groups: the rhetoric group and the media use group. The position is for a period of four years with 25% of the total appointment time is a duty to be performed at the department.
The research theme for the post-doctoral fellow is trust, credibility(ethos), and strategic communication. In unison with the research groups for rhetoric and audience studies, the fellow will develop a project examining how citizens view and engage with strategic communication and communication from experts. A core question is how utterances from experts are interpreted, negotiated, and used in a society characterized by media platforms run by algorithms, decreasing trust in experts, and a high degree of competing claims from different sources.
The applicant should focus the project on the fields of rhetoric and audience studies and is encouraged to tie the project to one or more themes of global challenges, such as climate, migration, or health.
Deadline: January 8, 2021
Read more about and apply for the position here: