Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Screen Studies (Synthetic Media), Trinity College Dublin

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Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Screen Studies (Synthetic Media), Trinity College Dublin

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral Research Fellow in Screen

Studies (Synthetic Media) to work on an Irish Research Council Laureate

Award (2022-2026) project, “From Cinematic Realism to Extended Reality:

Reformulating Screen Studies at the Precipice of Hyper-reality” led by

Dr. Jennifer O’Meara. This is a full-time position in the Department of

Film, Trinity College Dublin, with an expected duration of 16 months and

beginning October 1st2023.

Salary: €42,783 per annum, exclusive of the employer’s pension

contribution and additional funding for conference travel.

Deadline for applications: 12pm, July 3rd 2023

The Fellow will work to address elements of the project’s key research

focus by examining trends in synthetic media, such as “deepfake” media

and AI-generated media, using critical approaches drawn from screen

studies and film history. This will include examining the ethics and

aesthetics of these screen technologies, issues that will be

historicized in relation to precursors from screen history (including

special effects, CGI, and the use of dubbing and body doubles in

relation to screen performance).

The Fellow’s work will involve considering synthetic media in terms of:

authorship, including how AI-generated media can appropriate

recognisable filmic styles; historic and contemporary labour rights for

performers and creative personnel; and how identity politics can be

intertwined with the use of such technologies.

Under the guidance of the PI, the Research Fellow will be encouraged to

shape the precise direction of the research questions and approach in

order to align with their research expertise and interests. The Fellow

will be joining a small team of researchers, including two PhD students,

working on the project in the Department of Film.

Full details, including person specification, are available here:

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