Call for Chapter Proposals: New Media / New Society?
, New Media / New Society?/will focus on the effects of new media on social relations. This volume has a question: Can we describe our...

, New Media / New Society?/will focus on the effects of new media on social relations. This volume has a question: Can we describe our...
New Media / New Society?/will focus on the effects of new media on social relations. This volume has a question: Can we describe our society as a new media society? It intends to open new discussions on new media and social relations. The volume interrogates the question of whether (or not), and to what extent, new media have spawned new varieties of social organization, new practices of social interaction and identity, and new structures of material or symbolic social relations. There have been so many claims regarding how postmodern/postindustrial media modalities are contributing to various iterations of utopian and anti-utopian futures, beyond those traditional views of Orwell, Huxley, Marx, and Weber, for example. In the past decades, we have heard academic claims about a variety of effects, for example, including (but not limited to)simulation, misinformation, balkanization, intersectionality, assemblages, affordances, liquefication, disruption, fragmentization, saturation/distraction, propaganda, mediatization, culture wars,(de/post/neo)colonization, modes of signification, gamification, crowdsourcing, participatory media, hypertextualization, assimilation, chaos, spectacles, virtuality, augmented reality, digitization, disconnection, mass surveillance, and cyborgology. On the other hand, there have been so many descriptions of society, for example including(but not limited to) information society, post-emotional society, consumption society, network society, internet society, cyber society, new media society, post-modernism, post-humanism, the Anthropocene, and digital society.
This volume will be an "agenda for new media and new societydiscussions," in that it will clarify the effect of new media on socialrelations, including specific recommendations for action by researchers,policy makers, and the public. The volume will provide new topics forour projects and books. This work is tentatively to be published in electronic format byIstanbul University Press, an academic publisher at the IstanbulUniversity, Turkey (
We invite researchers to prepare draft statements for proposedcontributions to this volume. Please submit a copy of your 1- to 2-pageproposal via email to each of the editors by December 1, 2020. Finalcontributions will be limited to 5000 words maximum (or roughly twentydouble-spaced manuscript pages). Chapter drafts will be due June 1,2021, and final manuscripts will be due November 1, 2021. The e-volumeis expected to launch in February 2021.
Editors, Murat Şentürk, Istanbul University, Turkey,
Glenn W. Muschert, Khalifa University, UAE,
Hamdüsena Eşrefoğlu, Istanbul University, Turkey,