Call for Book Chapters on Chen Qing Ling/The Untamed

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Call for Book Chapters on Chen Qing Ling/The Untamed

Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2021full name / name of organization: Cathy Yue Wang (Shanghai NormalUniversity) and Maria Alberto (University of Utah)contact email:

We are interested in chapters that address topics such as:

1. Genre, Adaptation, AuthorshipDanmei as genre and/or subject of adaptation

Contextualization of danmei among Boys' Love (BL), yaoi, and slash

Contextualization of Modao Zushi within danmei

Jinjiang and reader communities surrounding Modao Zushi

Analysis of the live-action show, animated show, audio drama, and/or graphic novels as adaptation(s) of Moda Zushi

Contextualization of Chen Qing Ling/The Untamed among recent or forthcoming danmei adaptations (Guardian, Immortality {The Husky and His WhiteCat Shizun},etc.)Mo Xiang Tong Xiu as author, and/or Modao Zushi among her other works

Studies of Modao Zushi in the context of the xianxia (immortal heroes)

Please send your 300-500 word abstract to the editors at

by January 15, 2021. We also welcome inquiries before this January date.Acceptances will be sent in February 2021, and full chapters

will be due around September 2021.

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