CFP for the Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication_Eastern Europe, Russia and East Asia Section

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CFP for the Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication_Eastern Europe, Russia and East Asia Section

This is a call for the*Eastern Europe, Russia and East Asia*Section

of/The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication/.

Proposals are due*October 10, 2020*

Please send your 1) name, affiliation & contact info 2) 100-word bio 3)

Chapter title 4) 600-800-word abstract plus references

·Notices of acceptance will be sent by*October 15, 2020*.

·Your fairly final draft is due:*15 November 2020*

·Full chapters of 7000-8000 words are due*30 January, 2021.*

Race and ethnicity as social categories and concepts continue to

generate critical perceptions of differences that ultimately define who

we are in local, national and international settings. We are looking for

academic essays that provide an in-depth look at issues of race,

ethnicity and communications from the Eastern European, Russian and East

Asian perspectives. Contributions will not only identify the malaise of

our times with regard to the topics of race and ethnicity, but will also

provide a bridge to understanding our historical and political pasts

that affect our present and will continue to have an impact on our


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