International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference - program

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International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference - program

International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference, which will

be held next week from 21-24 September. The program and logistical

details are available below and at this


Those who wish to attend the conference need to register

at Registration is entirely free.

Those who wish to contribute can pay a voluntary £5 attendance fee.

Please feel free to share the program with anyone you think might be


Program of the 2020 International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual



The conference will be held via a secure link shared

only with participants and attendees.

All times are British Summer Time (BST), or

UTC+1 (see

For each paper, participants will have a total of 25 minutes, which

includes both paper presentation and live discussion. Presentation of

each paper will be immediately followed by discussion of the paper.

Each day will end with a networking meeting, participation in which is

entirely voluntary.


Those who would like to attend the conference need to sign

up Those who sign up will receive

the conference Zoom link in the morning of 21 September. The link will

be shared only with conference presenters and those who signed up to

attend. It will not be published anywhere. Registration fees can be


The fees are £25 for presenters and £5 for attendees. Payment of the

registration fees is entirely voluntary for both presenters and attendees.

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