ICA 2021 Paper Submission Website Open: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice.
ICA 2021 Paper Submission Website Open!We are delighted to invite you to the hybrid 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference in...

ICA 2021 Paper Submission Website Open!We are delighted to invite you to the hybrid 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference in...
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ICA 2021 Paper Submission Website Open!
We are delighted to invite you to the hybrid 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference in Denver, Colorado, USA from 27-31 May 2021. All calls for papers are available, and the paper submission website is now open!
The theme of ICA 2021 is Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice.
Be sure to read through the division/interest group call for papers before you submit. Make note that each division/interest group has different requirements and there is an overall limit of maximum three first-author submissions, unlimited non-first author papers/panels.
The paper submission website will close Friday, 6 November, @ 12:00 Noon ICA Office Time (EDT).