The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched its year-end mission, PSLV-C60, from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, carrying the Space Docking Experiment (SpaDeX). The mission seeks to accomplish the rare achievement of connecting two satellites in space.
At 10:00 PM IST on Monday, the PSLV-C60 rocket lifted off from the first launch pad and placed two small satellites, each weighing 220 kg, into a 475 km circular orbit after a flight duration of over 15 minutes. The first satellite separated from the rocket 15.1 minutes after launch, followed by the second at 15.2 minutes.
SpaDeX is designed as a cost-effective technology demonstrator that will showcase the rendezvous, docking, and undocking of two small spacecraft in low-Earth orbit. The mission marks a significant step forward for ISRO in advanced in-space operations.