Call for Papers: Histories of Women in Film and Television: Then and Now

Update: 2020-10-07 11:02 GMT

DWFTH 5 revised for 2021: New call for papers--'Histories of Women inFilm and Television: Then and Now.' A Hybrid Conference: July 10 - 11, 2021 (virtual and on-campus at Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland)

Supported by Women's Film & Television History Network, this call for papers is made in collaboration with 'Women and the BBC', a special themed issue of Critical Studies in Television.

The year 2020 has caused a great deal of sorrow, anxiety, and difficulty across the world. With health and safety of paramount concern, conferences and research events – including the planned Doing Women'sFilm and Television History conference - have been either impossible to hold in-person or, given the challenges presented by the need to sustain teaching and student welfare, deprioritized. As we look towards 2021, we understand that social distancing measures and travel limitations will possibly continue. With this in mind, we plan to host a hybrid conference as an outlet for our research that will enable us to share our scholarship with others, form connections, and offer potential for collaboration. If national and institutional public health measures allow, the conference will combine on-campus and virtual events. While virtual conferences present new technical and communicative challenges, we also see the opportunities that this type of conference affords. Not requiring travel, it both reduces the expense and can broaden networks of scholars. The conference will be formed of pre-recorded talks, virtual live panels, live workshops, keynote talks with Q&As, and where possible, on-campus events. The conference is formed of two areas: 1)following the cancellation of this year's 'Doing Women's Film &Television History 5', we seek papers for the revised 2021 format that reflect the themes of diversity and transnationalism listed below; 2) in anticipation of the BBC centenary, we seek research on histories of women and the BBC, both past and in the making.

Please submit proposals of 250 words along with the paper's title and a 50-word biography in one Pdf document to January 15th2021.

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