Impact of National Educational Policy on Media Education

Update: 2020-11-03 13:36 GMT

Department of  Communication and Journalism, Gujrat University, Ahmedabad is organizing a webinar on the topic " Impact of New Education Policy on Media Education. The experts who will deliver  lectures in this webinar are from media industry and media education background.

The seminar will try to analyze the direct impact of changes brought in by the New Education Policy. Since in this policy, singl subject universities are now suppose to start multiple courses, and many journalism Universities will face the problem of survival.

Makhan lal Chaturvedi patarkarati university is one such university that will face the proble in future. The Vice Chancellor of the MCRP, Mr. K.G. Suresh , who is from industry background and served as Director General of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, will be one of the speakers at this webinar.

Apart from Mr. K.G Suresh, Dr. Harshad A Patel , VC, Indian Institute of Teacher Education is also a key note speaker.

The event is scheduled on 5th November at 3pm onwards.

Interested participants may join live on the facebook link given below.


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