Applications Invited for International Collaboration Grant Programme

Applications Invited for International Collaboration Grant Programme;

Update: 2021-10-28 08:57 GMT

Applications Invited for International Collaboration Grant Programme

About the Grant

Climate risk insurance is an important instrument complementing risk reducing adaptation measures to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events on agricultural production and food safety.

With the 6th Call for Proposals the ISF wants to highlight the importance to adopt climate smart agricultural practices (CSA) and thus foster the much needed transformation of the agricultural sector in our partner countries.

In order to strengthen this important link and emphasise potential co-benefits of agricultural insurance on the adoption of CSA practices, ISF invites project partners to submit innovative proposals for climate risk insurance products complementing climate smart agricultural practices under a separate window established specifically for its 6th Call for Proposals (CSA window).


General ISF funding criteria remain valid also for this specific CSA window (see: items eligible for grant-based funding under Pillar III). Therefore only costs directly or indirectly linked to the development of the specific climate risk insurance product may be co-funded by ISF.

All documents relevant for the application process and further guiding documents are published here.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via

Terms of funding

The ISF provides grant-based co-funding of up to EUR 2.5m only to Partnerships consisting of public and/ or private organizations which want to develop new climate risk insurance products, especially for governments or scale-up already existing products, e.g. into other regions or to other groups in order to increase the resilience of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries to climate change where at least one partner is representing the demand and needs of end-beneficiaries (e.g. national or regional government bodies, NGOs, local insurers) willing to act as a risk taker (e.g. reinsurance company) located in the target country and legally authorized to sign a potential Grant Agreement which provide an own contribution matching the grant funding (in-kind and/or as financial contribution, including funds from their own resources and co-financing2) Further parties, e.g. other product implementing partners such as risk modelling agencies, insurers, brokers, can additionally be involved.


Friday, 17 December 2021, 23:59 CET

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