Journals - Page 2
New book: Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment
New Book on Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment. Edited by Stuart Cunningham and David Craig.
Managing Editor | 30 Jun 2021 8:09 PM ISTRead More
CALL FOR PAPERS Transnational Dimensions in Digital Activism and Protest
REVIEW OF COMMUNICATION / THEMED ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS Transnational Dimensions in Digital Activism and ProtestGUEST EDITORS: Giuliana Sorce (U of Tübingen) and Delia D. Dumitrica (Erasmus U)SUBMISSION DEADLINES AND GUIDELINESAugust 31, 2021 Submit extended abstract for Guest Editors' review...
Managing Editor | 30 Jun 2021 7:52 PM ISTRead More
Call for Paper - 'Politics, Perils, and Privileges: Immobilities in the Time of Global Pandemics'
This special issue thus asks the questions: How has immobility affected the once mobile?What old and new inequalities have resulted as consequences of restricted or banned human movements?What political movements are being created because of forced immobility?How have communities responded to...
Managing Editor | 29 Jun 2021 9:36 PM ISTRead More
Call for Chapters: Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations
If you are interested in writing a chapter for the book, here is a great chance for you.The Editors of the book are: José Gabriel Andrade*, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, Teresa Ruão*, Universidade do Minho, PortugalThe details for the submission of chapters are given below. Proposals...
Managing Editor | 29 Jun 2021 9:27 PM ISTRead More
भारतीय शोध जर्नल "फिजियोलोजी और मालिक्यूलर बायलोजी आफ प्लांट्स" वैश्विक शोध पत्रिकाओं के शीर्ष चतुर्थाश में प्रवेश
भारतीय मूल की एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक शोध पत्रिका, फिजियोलॉजी एंड मॉलिक्यूलर बायोलॉजी ऑफ प्लांट्स' (पीएमबीपी) ने हाल ही में विश्व स्तर पर सभी पादप विज्ञान पत्रिकाओं के शीर्ष चतुर्थक में प्रवेश कर लिया है। इसे ०.७५४ का स्कोपस जर्नल रैंकिंग (एसजेआर) और ३.४ का स्कोर प्राप्त हुआ है, जिससे यह पादप और...
Call for Papers - Information and Communication Technologies' Role in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage/Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies
Cultural heritage, as well as its relevance for maintaining and preserving societies', communities', and peoples' identity, have been topics of discussion over the past few years (Gomez-Ullate et al., 2020;Gottlieb, 2020). Cultural heritage is defined by UNESCO as using an inspirational tone,...
Managing Editor | 23 Feb 2021 11:05 PM ISTRead More
New Book: Greek Cinema and Migration 1991-2016
Greek Cinema and Migration provides a response to urgent calls to comprehend the cultural impact of immigration in Greece, and to determine the capacity of contemporary Greek cinema to challenge the logic of Fortress Europe. Placing contemporary Greek cinema within the context of European film...
New book: Sport, Film and National Culture, edited by Seán Crosson
This is the first collection dedicated to examining the intersection of sport, film and national culture. Covering films of all types, from Hollywood blockbusters to regional documentaries and newsreels, /Sport, Film, and National Culture/considers how filmic depictions of sport have configured and...
Book: The Industrialization of Creativity and Its Limits Values, Politics and Lifestyles of Contemporary Cultural Economies
Creativity loosely refers to activities in the visual arts, music, design, film, and performance that are primarily intended to produce forms of effect and social meaning. Yet, over the last few decades, creativity has also been explicitly mobilized by governments around the world as a 'resource'...
प्रो एन एम् पी वर्मा, बीबीएयू , लखनऊ की नयी किताब एक्सक्लूशन , इन इक्वलिटी एंड स्टिग्मा इन इंडिया बाजार में उपलब्ध
बीबीएयू के अर्थशास्त्र विभाग के प्रोफेसर और पूर्व इंचार्ज कुलपति प्रो एन एम् पी वर्मा द्वारा सम्पादित किताब एक्सक्लूशन , इन इक्वलिटी एंड स्टिग्मा इन इंडिया बाजार में उपलब्ध है और इसे ऑनलाइन भी मंगाया जा सकता है - रूटलेज प्रकाशन से छपी ये सम्पादित किताब अर्थशास्त्र के विद्यार्थियों और शोधार्थियों के...
Call for Book Chapters on Chen Qing Ling/The Untamed
Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2021full name / name of organization: Cathy Yue Wang (Shanghai NormalUniversity) and Maria Alberto (University of Utah)contact email: cql.mdzs.collection@gmail.comWe are interested in chapters that address topics such as:1. Genre, Adaptation, AuthorshipDanmei as...
new book: Media and Conflict in the Social Media Era in China
किताब के लिए नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक करे - book explores the media and conflict relationship in the age ofsocial media through the lens of China. Inspired by the concepts of medialization of conflict and actor-network theory, this book centers on...