- Health
टीबी से निपटने में बाधक सदियों से चली आ रही असमानताएं और अन्याय :शोभा शुक्ला, बॉबी रमाकांत – सीएनएस
- Film Studies
German parliament agrees to new support for film industry
- Nation
A major portion of Asia's largest freshwater lake, Wular Lake, has frozen
- International
Secretary Blinken’s Telephone Call with Republic of Korea FM Cho
- International
Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Indian migrant workers at Gulf Spic Labour Camp in Kuwait
- International
Mild earthquake jolts Nepal, Damage assessment begins after Bajura earthquake
- National
अंबेडकर विश्वविद्यालय में चल रहा डबल रोल, फ़िल्मो जैसी कहानी सच साबित हो रही
- Political
बाबसाहेब अंबेडकर विश्वविद्यालय में अराजकता की स्थिति, गृहमंत्री का पुतला फूंक ब्राह्मण वाद को बताया आतंकवाद
- Grants
प्रो एन एम पी वर्मा की याचिका पर हाईकोर्ट ने दिया ऐतिहासिक निर्णय, मिनिस्ट्री को लगा झटका
- Education
अविवि में इन्नोवेशन एंड एंटरप्रेन्योरशिप इन टूरिज्म विषय पर व्याख्यान का आयोजन
Journals - Page 5
Call for Papers: Journal of Digital Media & Policy
*Call for Papers: Journal of Digital Media & Policy *Special Issue: 'Digital Media, Public Policy and the Implementation of the Revised AVMSD'*Deadlines *• abstracts of 400 words to be received by Friday 31 October 2020;• full manuscripts of 6–8,000 words, including...
Call for Abstracts Popular Music on the complex interface between rap music and criminal justice systems around the world.
Prosecuting and Policing RapContributions are invited to a special issue of Popular Music on the complex interface between rap music (taken in its broadest sense to include mainstream rap, gangsta rap, activist rap, drill, grime, etc.) and criminal justice systems around the world.Rap music is an...
CFP for the Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication_Eastern Europe, Russia and East Asia Section
This is a call for the*Eastern Europe, Russia and East Asia*Sectionof/The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication/.Proposals are due*October 10, 2020*Please send your 1) name, affiliation & contact info 2) 100-word bio 3)Chapter title 4) 600-800-word abstract plus...
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media is now available for pre-order.
The editors are very excited to announce that The Routledge Encyclopediaof Citizen Media is now available for pre-order.https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Encyclopedia-of-Citizen-Media/Baker-Blaagaard-Jones-Perez-Gonzalez/p/book/9781138665569This is the first authoritative reference work to map...
Call for chapters: Edited collection 'WOKE TV: Politically Alert Television in the Trump, BLM, and Post-#MeToo Era
*CALL FOR CHAPTERS: EDITED COLLECTION****"WOKE TV: Politically Alert Television in the Trump, BLM, andPost-#MeToo Era"****DEADLINE: NOV 1, 2020.*****Debate around 'woke television' has been increasingly more present inpopular parlance. Within television criticism, there has been heavyreflecting on...
Call for book chapters: Disturbed ecologies: geopolitics and the northern landscape in the era of environmental crisis
carpentier nico nico.carpentier@vub.ac.be via commlist.org Wed, Sep 9, 5:23 PM (2 days ago) to commlist*Call for book chapters: **/Disturbed ecologies: geopolitics and thenorthern landscape in the era of environmental crisis/***Editors: Darcy White, Julia Peck, Chris GoldieWe seek abstracts for...
Call for papers, articles and chapters for an ISSN Journal publication
Public Administration Dept, Utkal University, Odisha invites research papers, articles and chapters for an ISSN Journal publication. The theme for the current issue is"Corona Exigencies: Media Propulsions 2020".Some of the sub-themes are:• Human Rights• Political communication• Health Communication•...
Bachpan Creations | 28 Jun 2020 10:46 PM ISTRead More
Communication Today: Call for Papers
Communication Today welcomes all the teachers and research scholars to send in your articles or research papers on the most contemporary topic "COVID-19 & Role of Media" over varied dimensions, not exceeding the word limit of 3000 words before 30th June 2020 at either of the Email IDs, i.e., ...
Bachpan Creations | 14 Jun 2020 11:19 AM ISTRead More